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Social Justice Photography

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Washington D.C. - February 18, 2018:

Days after the school shooting at 

Marjory Stoneman 

Douglas High School

Washington D.C.- March 24, 2018: Images from the "March for our Lives" protesting gun violence in schools.

Columbus, Ohio-August 13, 2017- A Protest and March to speak out against the White Supremacist factions present in Charlottesville, VA the day before that ended with the vehicular death of Heather Heyer. 

Washington D.C.- February 20, 2017: A "Not My President" President's Day Protest at Dupont Circle where protesters and speakers gathered to protest Donald Trump and his policies. 

Columbus, Ohio- January 29, 2017:  A Protest at John Glenn International Airport protesting President Trump's Executive Order initiating a travel ban for people from 7 Muslim-majority countries.

Washington D.C.- January 20, 2017: Images from an Anti-Trump Protest at McPherson Square on Donald Trump's Inauguration Day.

Piedras Negras, Coahuila

 Mexico- Dec. 21, 2016: Photographs from the Boys and Girls Orphanages Casa Hogar de Nazareth in Piedras Negras Mexico. The children are housed there for a variety of reasons. Some have been victims of abuse, some of their parents have been killed by the drug cartels, and some are there for economic reasons. 

December, 2016: Images supporting the rights of Women and Girls.

Columbus, Ohio- November 29, 2016: A Columbus United Demonstration starting at Goodale Park and including a march to the Ohio Statehouse where speakers spoke about their desire for a united Columbus that does not tolerate hate speech and division.

Columbus, Ohio- November 21, 2016:  An Anti-Trump Demonstration at the Ohio Statehouse, followed by a March through downtown Columbus. The protesters are part of the "Not My President" Movement. 

Washington, D.C.- July 15, 2015: Two Offshore Factory

Workers, Rosa Moreno and Carlos Castro, travel to Washington D.C. to protest the impending TPP Trade Agreement in 2015. Both of them lost limbs in a factory in Reynosa Mexico making televisions for the US and other developed countries under NAFTA.

They feel that all workers deserve a voice in the TPP debate to ensure that worker protections are incorporated into it, and enforced.

The Key to Peace Project

Piedras Negras, Coahuila  Mexico- July 5, 2016: Photographs from the Boys and Girls Catholic Orphanages in Piedras Negras Mexico and the Disabled Children's Orphanage also in Piedras Negras. The children are housed there for a variety of reasons. Some have been victims of abuse, some of their parents have been killed by the drug cartels, and some are there for economic reasons. Included also are photos from a Catholic Soup Kitchen that provides lunch for neighborhood kids in Piedras Negras.

Boys Orphanage in Piedras Negras MX
Girls Orphanage in Piedras Negras Mx
A Soup Kitchen for Children
Disabled Children's Home
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